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Thank you for your interest, but I am not taking any new clients for one-on-one sessions at this time and I do not have a waitlist. To find a one-on-one Brainspotting practitioner in your area, head to

You can also join me for Brainspotting group workshops and other brain/body/spiritual health events!


Break through the limiting beliefs that hold you back.

Step fully into light, joy, intuitive connection, and soul purpose.

I work with people who are truly ready to step into their soul purpose, intuitive self, and light!


Rooted in neurophysiology and a more intuitive, energetic derivative of EMDR, Brainspotting is a powerful method for processing and releasing deep emotions held in the body and the brain, and expanding the light, joy, creativity, intuitive connection, and alignment in one's life.​​


I use my own flavor of Brainspotting, using an Expansion perspective that blends spirituality and intuition. Rather than focusing on trauma treatment, my work with clients focuses on planting the seeds of light, expansion, and growth, and allowing them to get really big!


We work with powerful resources like your own soul, your spirit team, your greatest hopes and dreams, your creativity, and your intuitive gifts, to help you break free of limiting beliefs and step fully and joyfully into what your soul came here to be and do.


Sessions are held in a coaching capacity, are delivered in a positive, light-filled frame, and are designed to help you move forward to step fully into who you truly are and what your soul came here to do.


Typically, clients who thrive in Brainspotting with me see results in four to six sessions, and many experience lasting changes in as few as one.


Sessions are not intended to be or replace therapy, psychotherapy, clinical trauma care, or any other form of clinical mental health care.


Sessions are held via Zoom unless otherwise determined.

What is Brainspotting?
How is it different?

A derivative of EMDR, Brainspotting is an evidence-based, neuroscience-meets-intuition method for expanding the positive in one's life and healing through challenging emotions and limiting beliefs. ​The client is completely conscious during a Brainspotting session, and is an active agent in their healing. Typically, clients who thrive in Brainspotting with me see relief and positive expansion in four to six sessions, and some in as few as one. So, how does it work? Brainspotting uses the client’s visual field to access unprocessed trauma in the subcortical brain — i.e., the deep emotional and subconscious center. This is the more primitive part of the brain where emotions, memories, and involuntary brain/body reactions to trauma and feelings are housed. This part of the brain is not accessible through talking or logical thinking. This is why cognitive-based therapeutic approaches like talk therapy, as well as views like "pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps" and telling ourselves to "just get better," may not work. When we do that, we're using the rational part of the brain and completely bypassing the emotional brain, where how we feel and what happened to us are stored. What kinds of issues can be healed and alleviated through Brainspotting? As for what to work on in Brainspotting, it can be an event, an experience, a negative belief, or an emotion/emotional experience. More often than not, those experiences will overlap. Thankfully, we don't need to know why or how; because we're working in the subconscious, irrational part of the brain in Brainspotting, we don't need to understand all the pieces in order for the modality to alleviate them.  What makes Brainspotting different than other approaches? ​Brainspotting is different from mainstream methods like talk therapy and cognitive-based behavioral approaches in several ways. Those therapies are rooted in talking and rational thinking — activities that are governed by the prefrontal cortex, i.e., humans' cognitive, analytical mind. Talk therapy can offer relief by allowing the client space to offload by talking. Talk therapy can also provide important information by way of psychoeducation. But in terms of treating the emotions and bodily expressions of trauma (think: anxiety, sadness, grief, and even some physical health issues like IBS, muscle tension, and TMJ), cognitive-based approaches miss this mark. This is because such approaches target the prefrontal cortex, a totally different part of the brain than where trauma is stored. In fact, rationality may even exacerbate distressing emotions by silencing them, stuffing them down, overexplaining them, or trying to logify them away. What is more, when emotions aren't alleviated by talk and logic, we tend to blame ourselves for not "feeling better." This just makes us feel worse. ​On the other end of the spectrum are somatic approaches to trauma healing, like breathwork and energy healing. Like Brainspotting, somatic and energy-based treatments help alleviate stress in the body. But somatic and energetic treatments do not explicitly address root causes — i.e., the subconscious emotional imprints and memories of traumatic events. As such, somatic treatments address the bodily symptoms of the trauma, but by design, do not engage the part of the brain where root causes lie. By working in the emotional subcortical brain, and through deep attunement between the practitioner and the client, Brainspotting allows difficult emotions to fully process and release. In a relatively short amount of time, pain is let go and space is created for light, joy, expansion, curiosity, and emotional freedom.

Working with me means you're ready to do the work and step fully into your purpose, light, and joy, and do so in a soulful, spiritual way.

​Rather than focusing on trauma treatment, my work with clients focuses on planting the seeds of light, expansion, and growth, and allowing them to flourish! 


We work with powerful resources like your own soul, your spirit team, your greatest hopes and dreams, your creativity, and your intuitive gifts, to help you break free of limiting beliefs and step fully and joyfully into what your soul came here to be and do.


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Brainspotting with

Dr. Lenore 

My Background


I work with people who are truly ready to step into their soul purpose and light. They know they deserve it, and they're ready. I bring a grounded, non-dogmatic, non-judgmental approach to my sessions, embracing and opening to each client's own understanding of what spirituality means to them.


I hold a PhD and Master's (MSW) in Social Work and specialize in brain/body/spirit healing modalities and post-traumatic growth. I am a certified Brainspotting practitioner and trained with the Pacific Trauma Center in Folsom, California, and a leader in the field. I am also a Certified Life Coach, and use a coaching frame (not a clinical frame) in my Brainspotting work with clients.


I am also trained in Somatic Experiencing, various forms of meditation instruction, pranayama/breathwork, and trauma-informed yoga. Further, I am a survivor of suicide loss and a young widow, as well as an advocate for survivors of child abuse and sexual abuse, and have received specialized training to support clients navigating these experiences.


In addition, I am an expert in intuitive and spiritual awakenings, particularly in contexts of trauma. This is my own experience, as my intuitive abilities awoke when my late husband passed away. I am trained in reiki (certified Level II) and in psychic mediumship. I have also pursued specialized training in Brainspotting with Intuition and Spirituality, which incorporates intuitive development and spiritual techniques to expand clients' Brainspotting sessions.​


Brainspotting with me is not intended to be or replace clinical trauma treatment or therapy. I am not a licensed clinical therapist and do not provide Brainspotting with the intention of replacing or standing in as therapy. As a certified Brainspotting therapist, and a non-licensed Dr. of Social Work, as well as a Certified Life Coach, I use a coaching frame to work with clients in Brainspotting in an expansive, positive way, building on the strengths that the client brings forward.​



My Approach


Brainspotting with me focuses on growth and bringing in the light after having done the heavy lifting in healing. I work in a very positive way, where I support clients and help guide them, but their soul and subconscious are leading the way. I bring a science-meets-spirit approach to Brainspotting, melding techniques from neuroscience and psychology with intuition and spirituality.


Rooted in my training as an MSW and Doctor of Social Work, and held through my work as a certified Brainspotting practitioner and Certified Life Coach, and informed by my lived experience as a deep trauma survivor-to-thriver, I work with clients in a light-filled way, focusing on growth, light, soul purpose, and expansion.


Central to my practice is my own healing journey as a young widow by suicide loss. From my experience, I bring deep understanding and empathy to every session. As someone who has found true joy, meaning, and purpose through this modality, I share hope and a new perspective in healing and growth.


I am a deeply, intrinsically positive, hopeful, and optimistic person. I am guided by a big, bright light within me, and I love sharing it with the world, helping others ignite their inner flame. I work best with clients who have that inherent light and hope in them, too.


Working with me means you're truly ready to step fully into your soul’s purpose, and connect to a community of other people who are ready to thrive — not just survive.


Working with me means I’ll guide you, but you’re the active agent in your changes, your subconscious and soul leading the way.


Working with me means you’re ready for huge upgrades in your life and energy, and are committed to doing the work, and have the support in place, to help you get there.


Working with me means you know you deserve all the good, and that with some help, you'll stand fully in your purpose and light.



It's not that trauma is erased, bypassed, or denied. It's that through Brainspotting, we obtain deep regulation of the nervous system, stemming from the subconscious brain, supported in the body, and held in the spirit and soul. It is through this deep regulation plus spirit, soul, and intuitive connection, that we connect to meaning, levity, and expansion, and truly step forward into what your soul came here to do.



The Clients I Work With


I work with people who know their soul is here for a big purpose and are ready to move into their power, full potential, purpose, and light.


The clients who are a good fit for working with me are ready, able, and willing to do the work to break free of the lingering remnants and final holds keeping them back. They are active agents in their healing and change, and are ready for the growth and expansion they know they deserve. The clients who thrive with me are autonomous and have the capacity and desire to thrive. They have a support system in place beyond our work together, to support them in their healing and expansion.


The clients who work with me have already gone through different forms of healing and have done much of the "heavy lifting" around their trauma, and have made progress in alleviating the acute holds. However, there is some residenue that remains and some feelings holding them back, and they're ready to clear the remnants of what's left in order to step into the next phase of their journey. They've done a lot of work already, and they know they're here for a reason. They just need some help getting there. ​​​


My clients are creatives. High performers. Lightworkers. Healers. They're often empaths, intuitives, and highly sensitive people. They're game-changers and their here to make a difference in the world.


They're people who've gone through hard things, who've persevered through their trauma, and who know they're here to make a difference in the world. They have a story to tell and a big impact to make. They're dedicated to their healing process, and to finding their soul's purpose by way of it. â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹


That's where my science-meets-spirit approach to Brainspotting comes in.​​​


What Brainspotting with Dr. Lenore is Not

​Sessions with me are held in a coaching frame and are not intended to be or replace therapy, psychotherapy, clinical trauma care, or any other form of mental health care. 


It is beyond the scope of my work to work with clients with clinical and/or critical mental health needs. As such, I do not accept clients seeking clinical mental health care, psychotherapy, talk therapy, counseling, or prolonged mental health care, and reserve the right to refuse service to anyone seeking such support.​ 


I do not work with highly vulnerable clients who need acute, frequent, or on-demand support for mental health.


Brainspotting with me us not suitable for highly vulnerable clients who do not have a support system beyond our sessions.


Additionally, I do not work in grief support. I do not work with clients seeking help for, but not limited to, suicide loss, widowhood, traumatic loss, or any other form of grief or loss.


Typically, by the third session, I have a good understanding if Brainspotting with me is appropriate for the client.


Along the way, if I assess that a higher level of care is needed than what is in my scope, I reserve the right to terminate and/or refuse services to any individual, including  but not limited to previous clients, current clients, and individuals inquiring about services.


In the case that services are terminated, I will do my best to make referrals to help the client find the care and support they need.​​​​​ If termination of services occurs, sessions that have not been completed will be refunded.

Issues Clients Come to Work On

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How Brainspotting Helped Dr. Lenore Heal

Light. Transformation. Expansion. Lasting healing and the body, mind, and soul. Connection to deep soul purpose.

That is what Brainspotting gave me after years of living with the effects of deep trauma.

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In 2020, I lost my late husband to suicide. The trauma of his unexpected passing shattered me. For years after my loss, I tried countless cognitive-based, mind/body, spiritual, energetic, and somatic healing methods. These tools yielded varying degrees of relief, and were what I needed at the time. But despite the endless healing work, deep pain and tremendous dysregulation continued to linger underneath. Four years into my healing and I still felt anxious, sad, not good enough, and profoundly lonely. I cycled through spells of extreme highs and lows. I felt stuck. Hopeless. I felt like I was fighting every day. I had bouts of not wanting to be here anymore, and wondered if part of me would always feel that way. Then I found Brainspotting. And my life completely changed. Through Brainspotting, I experienced a completely new way of living unlike anything I’d ever felt before. For the first time since my late husband passed — and really for the first time in my life — I felt truly free. There was a levity, ease, balance, and flow to life. I felt excited for the future, at peace with the past, and so much more connected to other people, and to myself. ​After receiving Brainspotting treatment, I realized I had been holding on to deeply repressed and supressed emotions without even realizing it. Some were related to grief, and many stemmed from childhood. Without reliving those emotions and memories (as is often done in cognitive-based talk therapy), Brainspotting allowed the difficult emotions and memories to come to full completion and release. In turn, the behaviors, thoughts, and beliefs that came with them shifted. Years of profound sadness, anxiety, loneliness, self-loathing, and perfectionism — thanks to Brainspotting, they're simply no longer there. What is there in their place is joy, levity, presence, compassion for what I went through, and excitement for the future. Even the sadness of grief is completely gone — something almost unheard of for survivors of suicide loss and partner loss. I also feel so in tune with my spirit and intuitive self. I feel aligned. It's not that my experiences and memories have been erased or bypassed; it's that the emotional charge around them is gone. I can hold what I've been through with understanding and compassion, rather than being overwhelmed by the experiences and emotions. Most importantly, the effects of Brainspotting have been lasting. Once traumatic imprints and memories have been fully released from the subconscious, the body and brain are forever changed for the better. Over time I noticed that when subsequent challenges arose, I innately handled them in a grounded, healthy way. I'm no longer triggered and don't spiral like I did before. Brainspotting has completely changed how I live and operate in the world. I got my life back — but my life, 2.0.

What Clients Are Saying

I would like to thank Dr. Lenore for holding such a safe space for me and for her passion to help others heal and become the best versions of themselves. I am still in awe of this incredible modality and how Dr. Lenore was able to tap into this part of my brain in mere seconds. She literally ignited my life force energy by accessing my subcortical brain and it was extremely profound. I highly recommend Brainspotting with Dr. Lenore to anyone looking to regulate their nervous system, expand their lives, and connect to spirit, intuition, and purpose. I cannot wait until I get to experience it again!
Bianca, Session 1

What I love about this work is that you go into it with an issue you would like release, and yet the approach isn't to focus on the negative but rather on the positive. In my case, that was what brings me to a sense of safety and peace. The initial issue I came to release of worry and feeling unprotected/unsafe slowly fell away and I was left with a brightness, a lightness to my soul, to my body. I was in the most brilliant energy during the session and afterwards, and the signs were all around me.
Lindsay, Session 5

I came to heal the emotional body armor I have built up and kept since I was a child. I felt immediately relaxed and that I could trust. I felt the body armor was no longer needed, and my soul could be open for new experiences. I felt that I could handle anything that may be thrown at me in the future, even if it were difficult. 

Dr. Lenny is amazing. She truly has an exceptional gift. When I see her I can immediately feel the sunshine and light radiating from her. It is impossible to be in a negative mood around her. She literally radiates positivity.

Crystal, Session 2

Extremely effective. The session opened pathways to go deeper towards bringing that wounded inner child into the present, and into the warmth and safety of my true self.  Looking forward to my next session!
Greg, Session 1

Want to learn more about Brainspotting?
Check out this informational video.

© 2025 Lenore Matthew, LLC.  All Rights Reserved.

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